In the book, How I Live Now, Daisy and Pipper have been separted from Edmond and Issac. Daisy is upset by this and dosent think they should have to leave each other. But she has to stay strong for Pipper, so Pipper wont be too upset by the whole thing. Daisy is trying to figure a way back to the others, but in the mean time they must stay where they are at.
I doont EVER want to be separted from my family, I would fight until I was able to be with them. I dont understand why Daisy and Pipper had to be taken away from the other two. That is just SO wrong. They should be able to stick togther no matter what happens. God! I hate war SO much....... >>
It's interesting that Daisy goes from being one of the protected straight into becoming a protector. I wonder if she ever felt ready for that role.