June 22, 2010

Soap Box Virgins

Well today I learned about a soap box durby in Rhode Island. It seemed pretty lame with only one or two boxes actually looking like anything other than four wheels and a frame. I have never actually seen a race but I have been to one of Redbulls Flugtagg specials. That was pretty cool. Watching a bunch of idiots take their flying contraptions and running them off of a pier into the lake. I think that the griffin school could benefit greatly from participating in such events. I also learned today that 1LT Cross has a thing for touching the knees of virgins and wants to tie virgin women down to their beds so that he can stroke their knees. I had never known of a knee fetish until now but I suppose anything is possible.

1 comment:

  1. Hello James,
    I can tell you are a good writer, your thoughts run smoothly to the paper. When making the post I want to hear about what you learned, but also what it makes you think of if anything. I am more interested in your thoughts than the actual details. Good post.
