Harry had a dream in which Voldemort was torturing Sirius at the Ministry of Magic, and now he wants to go there and save Sirius. Hermione, however, does no think this is a good idea. She thinks that Voldemort is using his connection to Harry's mind and exploiting Harry's hero complex (spoiler: she is right...as usual). Harry will not hear of it, and is trying to find a way to get to London.
July 30, 2010
Goodbye Jack :( Lol
So, this is my last day here in summer school. It was fun, and lots of good things happened. I have had really good teachers. Everyone is just so nice and friendly. I love it here. I am so excited for school to start back up. I have done better than before. So, thank you! :)
I know this has to deal with my book. Writing and discussing my book. So, here is my last blog about How I Live Now.
So far Daisy and Piper have been walking and walking for days. Looking for signs of life. But all they do find is silence and death. So, it isnt very pleasant for them. But they have made it through out the hard times.
They just found there home, inside is trashed except for the bedrooms. They are staying there for a few days. Just so that they can get back on their feet and start walking again. Which they dread, but they have to do it. Only if they want to find the rest of their family.
That is as far as I have read. It is sooo good. :)
I know this has to deal with my book. Writing and discussing my book. So, here is my last blog about How I Live Now.
So far Daisy and Piper have been walking and walking for days. Looking for signs of life. But all they do find is silence and death. So, it isnt very pleasant for them. But they have made it through out the hard times.
They just found there home, inside is trashed except for the bedrooms. They are staying there for a few days. Just so that they can get back on their feet and start walking again. Which they dread, but they have to do it. Only if they want to find the rest of their family.
That is as far as I have read. It is sooo good. :)
July 28, 2010
Almost Done!
I FINISHED MY PROJECT! YAAYYS! I just need to give my presentation tomorrow and then I will be done! I am quite pleased with it. I had a lot of fun sculpting my last symbol today, and I think it turned out pretty well! Friday is the last day of summer school! This is probably my last blog. Aww. Well, it's been fun! Got to go finish the book!
July 27, 2010
Well, Professor Dumbledore has basically disappeared from the book at this point. He is never actually around and only occasionally mentioned, which makes me wonder...where the hell is he?! Umbridge has all but declared herself queen of Hogwarts and is bullying all of the students and faculty who don't have connections to the Ministry. Someone needs to put her back in line. Someone named Dumbledore.
July 23, 2010
Harry is a Reluctant Teacher
So Hermione wants Harry to teach a whole bunch of people Defense Against the Dark Arts, but he seems slightly less then enthusiastic. I can't say I blame him. Half the school thinks he's cray already, plus he didn't exactly receive formal training in how to do most of the crazy magic he's done, he just kind of did it, so he really doesn't have any idea of how to teach it. I would probably be reluctant too.
So I went to The Cactus last night to see Ray Bonneville and it was kind of amazing. That guy is a jedi. That is the only possible explanation. Well, it's the only realistic explanation. And tonight my band Beat Farm is playing at Jovita's! Yay!
July 22, 2010
Underaged Drinking
So I have recently noticed that Harry Potter and his friends seem to be drinking heavily every time they visit Hogsmeade, and no one cares. At all. In fact, it doesn't seem to be illegal, or even frowned upon. WHAT is up with that? Well, their drink of choice is called butterbeer. I have never actually encountered this drink, so I'm not sure that it's real, and none of the books actually say whether or not it contains alcohol (or whatever substance wizards prefer to intoxicate themselves with), but from what I gather, it appears to contain an equivalent amount of whatever substance to the level of alcohol in beer. While I personally would not want to make it any easier for supernaturally powerful, hormonal teenagers to get drunk and impair whatever judgement they had, the wizarding world seems perfectly okay with it, so I suppose that's that.
July 20, 2010
Deaths :/
In the book, How I Live Now, Daisy has just seen two people shot. She is in shock but also mad. The only reason for Major McEvorr and Joe were shot. Was because Joe was yelling out stupid stuff, which got him shot. Then Major got shot because he was upset. It was such a gresome thing for Dasiy and Pipper to see. That really sucked that they had to see that.
I dont know how I would react in Daisy postion. I think I would freak out, and go insane. I wouldnt be able to handle that sort of thing.
I dont know how I would react in Daisy postion. I think I would freak out, and go insane. I wouldnt be able to handle that sort of thing.
Inspections by Umbridge
Umbridge is now doing "inspections" of the professors at Hogwarts. She is a real butt. She stalks them around and makes passive aggressive comments and facial expressions. So basically she's just even MORE of a jerk than before. The book is kind of slow at this point. The best part of this chapter was that Professor McGonagall was rude right back at Umbridge, which was funny.
July 19, 2010
Dont go crazy :S
In the book I am reading, How I Live Now, a war is going on. With war comes emotions like sadness, worried, afarid or hurt. So, it is kind of hard to keep everything going the way it did at first. It is hard to find things intresting when you are worried, scared or hurt. It is hard to laugh, smile or just be glad that you are still alive. Just because of all the stress that is going on.
Daisy has found a way to keep herself happy, just by imanging Edmond being with her. Pipper has found a way to stay okay and not so frightened anymore. She is also making other people feel a bit better, just because who she is and how she is helping them out.
I believe that you need to be happy even if things are rough. Because you dont want to go insane, just because you are sad. I would like to stay sane... lol.
Daisy has found a way to keep herself happy, just by imanging Edmond being with her. Pipper has found a way to stay okay and not so frightened anymore. She is also making other people feel a bit better, just because who she is and how she is helping them out.
I believe that you need to be happy even if things are rough. Because you dont want to go insane, just because you are sad. I would like to stay sane... lol.
The Delightful Dolores Umbridge
Well now it turns out that along with all the other horrible things she's done, Umbridge has also written a law that prevents half-breeds from getting good jobs, so now Harry hates her even more, if that's possible. Also, Sirius appeared in the fire. Just his face, but still, it's pretty weird. He and Harry had a conversation, and Sirius wanted to visit Harry in Hogsmeade but Harry said no because it was too risky, and then Sirius got upset and left...
My mom and sister and brother are still in Florida which sucks cause I miss them and my house is all lonely with just me and my dad.
July 16, 2010
Percy Weasley and Florida
Today in Harry Potter, Ron received a letter from his brother Percy, who at the moment is sort of the black sheep of the family. Percy had a huge fight with his parents because they are loyal to Harry and Dumbledore and he is supporting Fudge and the Ministry, which, needless to say, does not sit well with the Weasleys. Anyway, in his letter, Percy urged Ron to "sever ties" with Harry and also to distance himself from Dumbledore, who he hinted would not be headmaster at Hogwarts very much longer. Hmm....
My mom and brother and sister are leaving for Florida tomorrow to see my grandparents which I am kind of sad about. I am going to miss them a lot. Also, I am sad that I'm not going with them because I haven't gotten to see my grandparents since Thanksgiving or my aunt and uncle and cousins (who also live in Florida) since last summer. Oh well, I have no one to blame but myself. But still. I am disappointed. Although, I get to do band camp because I am staying which will be a lot of fun, and I am playing a gig at Jovita's next Friday!
July 15, 2010
Daisy and Pipper :D
In the book, How I Live Now, Daisy and Pipper have been separted from Edmond and Issac. Daisy is upset by this and dosent think they should have to leave each other. But she has to stay strong for Pipper, so Pipper wont be too upset by the whole thing. Daisy is trying to figure a way back to the others, but in the mean time they must stay where they are at.
I doont EVER want to be separted from my family, I would fight until I was able to be with them. I dont understand why Daisy and Pipper had to be taken away from the other two. That is just SO wrong. They should be able to stick togther no matter what happens. God! I hate war SO much....... >>
I doont EVER want to be separted from my family, I would fight until I was able to be with them. I dont understand why Daisy and Pipper had to be taken away from the other two. That is just SO wrong. They should be able to stick togther no matter what happens. God! I hate war SO much....... >>
Umbridge vs Harry
Professor Umbridge is now torturing Harry in detention, and not just with boring work. She is literally torturing him. She forces him to write with a quill that uses his own blood as ink and cuts the words he writes into his hands. Who even makes quills like that?! Jeez. So... yep. These last few chapters have been a bit slow.
July 14, 2010
In the book I am currently reading, there is a war going on. Daisy is not excatly sure on how to react to it. So, it dosent excatly effect her like the other people. She heres a lot of talk about what is happening. Her family is worried about her but she told them she if fine. Because quite honstely she is.
If I was ever in her situtation I would probably have a panic attack and just freak out. I wouldnt be able to surive very well... I wouldnt be able to do my normal activites, like Daisy is doing, I would be to frightened.
I hate the war, I think it SO stupid. Why do we have to fight when we could easily fix a problem by discussing it? Seriously we need to learn to get along!!!!!
If I was ever in her situtation I would probably have a panic attack and just freak out. I wouldnt be able to surive very well... I wouldnt be able to do my normal activites, like Daisy is doing, I would be to frightened.
I hate the war, I think it SO stupid. Why do we have to fight when we could easily fix a problem by discussing it? Seriously we need to learn to get along!!!!!
Sorting and Feasting and All Sorts of Nonsense
Harry is finally back at Hogwarts! Yay! Things seem to be a bit different this time around, though. First, the Sorting Hat issued a warning to the school about the Houses needing to unite. Also, Hagrid is mysteriously absent.... Other than that, there was a ridiculously large feast, as usual. I personally am very glad that Harry has finally made it back to school. Things were a bit dull when he was just moping around the headquarters. His life is more eventful when he is at school, plus Hogwarts is kind of awesome...
I am going to see Despicable Me today and I am very excited! It looks hilarious. I hope I don't get sick.
July 13, 2010
London :) Plus... Moving sucks :/
I am reading a really good book called, " How I Live Now". It is about a girl, Daisy, who is sent to live with her couisn's in the UK. She is nervous, not use the people being polite to her, they way her cousin's life style is. And she dosent get why people are worry about a war that may or may not happen. She also wants to learn about who her mother was. Plus, she is a little freaked out by the way Edmond acts. It is as if he could read her mind.
I have moved around 20 times in my whole entire time. Amazing.... yeah right. I dont like having to move around a lot... I would like it if I could stay in one place. But my mom loves to move, and I respect her for that. It can get a bit annoying, though it's also good because you can start over. Be a new you, dont have to worry about people knowing who you are. It can be very hard to get use to one place.
I have moved around 20 times in my whole entire time. Amazing.... yeah right. I dont like having to move around a lot... I would like it if I could stay in one place. But my mom loves to move, and I respect her for that. It can get a bit annoying, though it's also good because you can start over. Be a new you, dont have to worry about people knowing who you are. It can be very hard to get use to one place.
Harry Potter
So I am now reading Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. It is a very excellent book so far. Today, I read about Ron and Hermione getting their prefects badges from Hogwarts. I always thought that Hermione would be a prefect because she is just that kind of kid, but I did not imagine Ron being one. He is usually Harry's sidekick. Ron is the one who everybody says "Oh, that guy" whenever his name comes up in a conversation about Harry. This time however, Ron is the one getting recognition, and it has thrown Harry for a bit of a loop. I feel bad for Harry because he is disappointed about not being a prefect, but I also feel bad for Ron because everyone, including his own family, seems completely shocked that he is.
July 9, 2010
Last day with Thomas :(
Awh!!!!! I am going to miss you Thomas!!! Lol. It was great having you and you are such a wonderful english teacher. I have to admit you are really adorable. Lol. O.o
Paper Towns was such a good book, I reccomend that people should read this book. Q finally found Margo. She was in New York, she wanted to stay there and travel. Poor Q.
I am so glad I got to read this book, thank you Thomas. You NEED to read this book. lol :) Once again thank you! I will miss you. Lol.
Paper Towns was such a good book, I reccomend that people should read this book. Q finally found Margo. She was in New York, she wanted to stay there and travel. Poor Q.
I am so glad I got to read this book, thank you Thomas. You NEED to read this book. lol :) Once again thank you! I will miss you. Lol.
Final blog
Today i finished the book Flight. It's a great book. I really like the end of the book. Zits finally come back to his real life. He realized that he was still in the bank. He did not kill the people in the bank, but he was still holding his gun in his hand. He came to police office and convienced what he was trying to do in the bank. At the end, he got sent to jail again, but after 3 month he got reliced. The police Dave ask his brother to take care of Zits. Dave's brother has no kids in there family, they are really kind. They give Zits a real worm family. Zits cried at the end, because he feels love from Dave's family. Life give him a second chance to change himself. I just want to say that if life give us a chance to change ourself, please don't let it go.
"centering walk"
today i was late because there was an incident with pancakes at my house. it took me almost an hour and a half to make ONE. thats because the first one got majorly burnt and fogged up my whole kitchen. my maids were there so they helped me with the next one. the girl (alice) thought i had to keep it on minimum heat, but it took us thirty minutes to realize that the pancake wasnt cooking. so then the guy (lee) said it wasn't hot enough, and then he squished and mutilated my pancake batter. eventually, one pancake got done at 11:51 am. i ate it, and it did not taste good, so i had celery instead. then, my aunt looked at the time, and said, "oh, we better go." this was 12:00. then she proceeded to sit down at her desk and browse ebay until 12:13. i was extremely frustrated. so then we left, and she yelled at traffic, even though it was all HER fault that we were going to be late. i would just like to let every one know, this is what being an ebay addict does to you. anyway, i got to school late, and then thomas took us on a "centering walk".
I went to that exhibit of dead bodies where some scientist carved up and skinned people to put them on display for the general public. It was for the most part pretty damn boring. Some of it looked like some freak just hacked up bodies for fun.
I also have POISON IVY EVERYWHERE. I have had it for a week now. It sucks major balls. I have got huge patches of it on my leg and all the creams and pastes in the world are doing nothing to stop it. and tomorrow will be worse because I will be going to drill in my boots which will then rub my ankles and calves. Damn its going to suck. I also was going to stay up all night with friends and then go to the range tomorrow. Uber bummer. Oh well. I will make sure all the enlisted call me sir tomorrow as retribution.
I also have POISON IVY EVERYWHERE. I have had it for a week now. It sucks major balls. I have got huge patches of it on my leg and all the creams and pastes in the world are doing nothing to stop it. and tomorrow will be worse because I will be going to drill in my boots which will then rub my ankles and calves. Damn its going to suck. I also was going to stay up all night with friends and then go to the range tomorrow. Uber bummer. Oh well. I will make sure all the enlisted call me sir tomorrow as retribution.
July 7, 2010
do YOU want to marry the meat industry??
today i was on time. i got my hair cut this morning but it looks the same of course, just not quite as messy. it's usually messy. i had almonds for breakfast, and some batman snacks. batman snacks are just gummy things shaped like batman characters. we have them because my nephew really likes batman snacks. he likes batman everything. for his birthday party his mom made batman cupcakes, but, they melted. i didn't know until that day that cupcakes were capable of such a thing as melting. i call my boyfriend cupcake. i've called him cupcake since september, i don't remember how it started, but he likes that nickname, for some odd reason. today in my book i read about e.coli. that sounds icky. sort of like mia's crackerhead, but, you know. i just leaned back too far in my chair and almost had a heart attack. that would suck to crack my skull open on this floor. its not clean. i would get all sorts of funky germs inside my open skull if i cracked it open on THIS floor. i'll wait until i'm at a nice, sterile hospital to crack my skull open i think. oh right, my book. well also i read a sad part about little kids dying from e.coli and other diseases, spread by the meat industry of course. i hate to break it to you, but even if you love meat, or the meat industry, it doesnt love you back. it wants to infect you with diseases and kill you. and feed you fecal matter. (shit) what a lovely spouse the meat industry would make...
Permiscuous Voles
I read this BBC article recently where in the light of recent womanizing celebrity scandals a group of British scientists decided to see if it was genetic. For the study they mapped the genome of two closely related species of Vole. One species mates for life, the other tends to get as much as it can from wherever it can. They identified a set of genes that control the Voles breeding habits. They found that if they bred the womanizing Voles with this one gene they became well behaved "married" Voles and vice versus for the other species of Voles. Apparently it is this same gene that controls our ability to be faithful. It is also typically faulty in males which explains why men most commonly cheat. It also dispels the notion that love is a higher emotion experienced only by humans.
July 1, 2010
Amber Is An Idiotface and She Has A Weird Fat Crackerhead That Is Stupid
Basically, what the title says. Amber's face is as gross as an aardvark flavored butt taco with unicorn pepperoni and if Amber was a cookie she'd be one of the burned bran flavored ones because they are disgusting and nobody cares about them. On a more educational note, in my book Bodega finally saw Vera, the girl he'd been in love with for twenty years but who married someone else and moved to Miami. Bodega is convinced that she will leave her rich husband and marry him but I do not think she will. And that is what I learned.
mia is full of stupid stupidness. and she has a fat crackerhead! plus shes eating a popsicle! fattie!
so right now mia green is being a fatty. shes eating a popsicle, and she's jealous of the cow i drew, even if it did have a cookie shaped head. i think he was chocolate chip. if mia was a cookie she'd be raisin because nobody likes raisin!! also, she's a no good reeky fat-kidneyed strumpet! also, today i was late, and it wasn't my fault because it never is. also, in my book i read some stories about workers at slaughterhouses/meat packing plants. sucks for them! also i'm starting to read about e coli. that sounds gross, like mia greens fat cracker face!
World Cup
World Cup is the biggest influential sport event every 4 year. I like football since i was 9 year old. I was playing very well in elementary school, I even made the city youth football team. However, after i went to middle school, i almost quit to play football, because our middle school did not have football court. But i still love to watch football games on TV. My dad and i are big football fans, sometime we watched football games untill 3 or 4 a.m. I used to like England, because of Owen, he is the fastest and good skill forward ever. Unforturnatly England lost to German this year, i think a big reason they lost to German is England don't play as a team. England has so many good players, they all play good in their own club, but when they play in England team, they just play like shit. I don't understand why, maybe because they did not allow Owen to play, maybe something else, who knows.
Found more to talk about
So, Even though i finished my lovely book i still found somethings to talk about. Like, ok, how do you say no to the boy or girl you in love with? This is a hard one, even for me to fingure out. When i was going with my ex i found it very hard to say no to anything he wanted me to do. Another question, how do you love someone that hurts you so much? This is another hard one. I've always wondered why some girls say with guy that beat them, or cheat on them, or anything. To me it didn't make any sense. Why stay with a guy who treats you like shit? If he truely loved you he wouldn't hurt you, right? I mean you may love him, but why love a guy who obviously doesn't love you back. I've had so many girl friends that have been dating a guy who treats them like crap. They always say things like, 'he loves me' or 'he didn't mean to' or 'It wasn't his fault'. Well, just a pointer, it is his fault, and if he loved you he wouldn't be hurting you over and over. Oh! here another thing, my mom and me were talking to eachother in the car today. This question popped into my head, Why when a girl is getting kidnapped, and there are people around no one helps? I mean, seriously, In all the movies that I've seen that have kidnapping in it and people are no one helps. It doesn't make sense to me, if I say a girl suddenly get kidnapped and i could help i would totally help. But then my mother told me this story. This guys was beating this girlfriend of is in a parking lot of a bar. So, this young kid are up to help. (nice kid right?) Well, the guy who was beating the girl turned around and shot the guy, yes, right in the face. Maybe thats why people are afraid to help. Well, if I was to scared to run up and save the girl I would at lest get the liecnce plate on the car and stuff and call the cop. What would you do?
Why are the Spanish considered hispanic? Most people think they are just normal white europeans.
I nearly done with this book. It's starting to get pretty dull. Keeps talking about this shit field and some indian dude that drowned in it. Went running last night, not far, two and a bit miles. Then went to Magnolia Cafe for the first time. Not Impressed. Food was expensive and they got my order wrong. Bunch of hippies and vegitarians. The kind of people that don't shower or shave and use rocks as a form of underarm deoderant. I ordered this chicken dish but I think it was some unfortunate pigeon that had died out back behind the kitchen. I will not be going there again any time soon.
June 30, 2010
Clues and more clues.
Margo has dissapered!!! Q has to find her, by using the random clues she has left behind. No one knows where she has dissapered to. The clues that Margo have left behind confuse Q.
While searching for clues they came across who Margo really is. She is HUGE music fan, most people wouldnt even know about that.
If I had to find someone I would be EXTREMLY fustrated. Only if they left confusing clues behind. But I would still try just like Q.
While searching for clues they came across who Margo really is. She is HUGE music fan, most people wouldnt even know about that.
If I had to find someone I would be EXTREMLY fustrated. Only if they left confusing clues behind. But I would still try just like Q.
i was on time today!! :D
so today i was on time to summer-school. go me! i left my house at twelve oh three. yesterday, i left my house at twelve oh six, and i was late. i thought i was going to be late today, too, because there was kind of some traffic, but i wasn't. i was on time, i got here as the bell was ringing. i haven't heard the bell ring in a while because i've been late everyday. also, today thomas threatened to force feed me pigs. wait, i mean figs. i guess i just think of pigs when i think of thomas because christina called him one. also, thomas told me i have to write about something pertaining to my book, sooooo, today i read about how even though slaughterhouse jobs are the most dangerous and icky jobs in the world, slaughterhouses rarely have to be inspected. also, some companies keep two different injury logs. one to show the inspection company, and one with the real amount of injuries. in only three months, one company had 1,800 injuries, but only reported 160 in the book to show the inspection company. grossss.
Baby Tigers, Immigration, and Vitamin C
I am in the middle of my book now. The evil manipulative lawyer is now busy evilly manipulating Chino, the protagonist. I had a really weird dream last night where I had a baby tiger as a pet named Mowgli, like the character from The Jungle Book. Yesterday we watched this video about immigration. It made some interesting points, but there was this Canadian guy in it and he was really stupid and his face was weird. I don't even know why he was in it. He didn't have anything to do with it. There were also two guys who patrolled the border who suggested that the solution to illegal immigration was nuking Mexico. Obviously. Also, vitamin C tastes funny.
Natural Selection
Today I learned that most people are really gullible. I nearly convinced this one chick that this drink another girl had was cow stomach juices. I also learned that even Thomas makes me cite my work in a proper and grotesque fashion. I also learned that people have drowned in fields of shit. It happens. Not only in the book I am reading but also in the Darwin Awards. The latter was the funnier of the two

What's on today's menu
Today I realized that everything is toltallies metals. Forever. I hope that I finish my huge book by the end of summer school, I guess it can be done since I read American Psycho that was longer than the book I am reading now.
End of book
So, I finished my book, which is pretty awesome. It was like all the bad problems in highschool thrown into one girl. I mean, she did drugs, ran away, put in jail, got raped, grades dropped and had a baby at age 17. But, I liked the booked, it was interesting. Things I learned, drugs aren't worth it. No matter what people tell me, in my opinion drugs are not worth it. I have so meny poeple try to tell me how great the drugs are and how the partying is great. but, no, not worth it.
I think a good friend might be someone who is there to help you and provide support when you are suffering life. A good friend is the one you can trust, the one you can talk to him anything, the one you can simply love withou any benefit involved, and the someone who you can break all appointment to be with. This is what i think good friends are.
June 28, 2010
Thomas Is A Pig
So today Christina called Thomas a pig because he was eating this huge burrito. It was pretty funny. I'm not saying that Thomas is a pig. Also, Thomas keeps hitting me head with a bouncy ball, so I'm not saying he ISN'T a pig either. And Amber and Sarah and I want our hermaphrodite nuns. I learned that in Bodega Dreams when they use the n word they do not mean it to be an insult.
why i was late, and also my book, number two.
today i was late because my aunt is slow and annoying. i've been up since ten, so it certainly wasn't my fault. although i did sit around until 11, i was ready to leave at 11:40. which is twenty minutes early. so how did i end up late? well because my aunt had to sit around on ebay, get all dressed up for nothing, eat like a pig, then stand in the middle of the kitchen for 10 minutes. and that is how i ended up late. all my aunts fault. also i found dinosaur stickers yesterday, which i stuck on my computer. the blue one has orange eyes. there's also purple and yellow ones, but they have green eyes. also, today in my book they talked about how slaughterhouses are stinky. so is my aunt lou's house. thats where my sister is right now. having her baby hogged. also, slaughterhouses attract a lot of immigrants. like my aunt lou's neighborhood. but there's not a high rate of crime there, but supposedly crime increases when slaughterhouses move in. i think that's because nobody likes them and they're smelly and attract evil people that like to slaughter poor animals! which is never good in a community. :)
no title
I don't really know what to write about, because i don't think there is anything so excitting about, anything that you really want to share with others. I don't like to write stuff,there are couple reasons, but the most importatn reason is wwriting take time to think and orgnize your thoughts. I am not lazy to think, i just don't like this way of thinking. i don't know what to write`````
So, it's pretty hard tying to think about what to write on here. The reason is, is that my book pretty much focuses on drugs. I mean, it has more things like, boys and suicide, or rape. And those things aren't really things that are easy to talk about. I mean the boy thing is because most are the same. The suicide thing, well there not to much to say about that. Lastly, rape, not the easiest thing to talk about, for me anyways. So, I'll stick to the drug subject.What do you do when you hit rock bottem? Do you find the power to tell anyone? ask them for help? or do you bleed to death on the rocks? I woud probably ask for help and get help for myself. But what would you do? Any ideas?
June 25, 2010
June 23, 2010
Sneaking Out :D
Q decides to go with Margo after she shows up at his window. She talks him into going with her and helping her. It is weird, all the things that Margo is doing. Which leaves Q completely clueless to what Margo is planning.
If I ever had the opportunity I would jump on it. Like with Austin, ( Was a guy I liked) I wouldn't think about my future. Like Q did, he thought about it while vise versus I would just get in to the car and leave.
My book
Today, I learned who Bodega is. He is a drug lord in Spanish Harlem who's current mission is to gain the loyalty of the entire neighborhood. He is also a drug addict. It is going a little bit slowly and is still confusing so I haven't had many thoughts on it other than "What the hell is going on? Wait since when is he married..." Sorry Thomas. Go USA!!
why i was late, and also my book.
so this morning i was late because my aunt went the wrong way. at least she says she did, i didn't really notice. except for the fact that it took 15 extra minutes to get to school. i wasn't that late though, only like, 5 minutes maybe. my car clock is always wrong. so in my book they were comparing walt disney to ray kroc, who i'm pretty sure is the guy who started McDonalds. anyway, they're the ones who began all the marketing to children. yeah children are more easily manipulated and such, but they don't make the money, and they don't drive themselves places. but i do remember being a kid though, and wanting to go wherever had the best kids meal toys. it didn't really matter to me what i had to eat, i just wanted the toy.
A strong Indian boy
From today's reading, I recognize that i never give on this bull shit life. Life is like a play, it's not the length but the excellence of the acting that matters.(Roman philosopher). The indian boy from the book, he has suffered losing parents and inferior life. However, he never thinks to give up, he is still full of love for life.
So, in this book this drug crank is also called the monster. This monster changes your personality, like from good to bad, or if your already bad it make you alot worse then you really are. Which, in my opinion is what drugs do to kids. It doesn't even have to be a super bad drug, because all drugs will change how you act, how you see things, and what you do. Even though alot of people say drugs don't change them,it does. I've know people from like kindergarden til now who have changed drasticly. Now, Drugs to me isn't something you always have to take. It could be sex, self-harm, anything that is your get away thing, your outlet. And those things could change a person and again I say in my opinion. Anyways, this monster changes my character from like a good girl (Kristina) into this bad girl (Bree). Which, I know ,really happens to people, from experiences. Well, I'm pretty happy to see what happens next to my character.
So I am at the point in my book where Lt Cross meets up with the author and they have a drunken get together and remember all the happenings of the war. Including the LT's love Martha who he is still madly in love with even though she finds him creepy even if honest. Even after she gives him a firm ultimatum he still cannot get her out of his mind. What a loser. Just get over the women and go hook up with some broad. I am not sure if Martha is gay or not. She could very well be judging by her apparent lack of interest in the male of the species. Sucks for the LT, looks like a chronic case of blue balls will be the lasting chapter in his life.
June 22, 2010
Paper Towns......
In the book Paper Towns, Quentin has fallen for Margo. She is pretty, smart,..etc. But, Q cant have her so it is upsetting to him. He wants her to like him back, but she dosent.
I am in a similar situation, where I like this guy but he dosent excatly like be back. Apparently I am not his type, same thing with Q and Margo. Both me and Q wished that we were liked back by our crushes.
I am in a similar situation, where I like this guy but he dosent excatly like be back. Apparently I am not his type, same thing with Q and Margo. Both me and Q wished that we were liked back by our crushes.
Creepy Taxidermist Lady and Bodega Dreams
Today I started reading Bodega Dreams. So far, it is mainly about a Puerto Rican guy named Chino living in Spanish Harlem. The timeline of the book is a bit confusing and seems to jump around a lot so I've had some trouble keeping up with what's going on, but I did gather that his best friend strongly resembles a frog. I learned that people who carry switchblades get the most respectable nicknames. Also, I learned from a video we watched about a taxidermist named Amy that it takes 20-30 minutes to fully skin a grey fox. Oh and she names the animals she skins and stuffs after guys she likes. Hmm.
amy the taxidermist +book
today i learned that creepy people skin animals and stuff them as their hobby. and that this one creepy lady in particular, named amy, likes to name them after boys that she likes. which is also not right since she's married. me and mia agree that she is not allowed to have children, because i think she'll stuff them. also today in my book, i'm reading fast food nation, i didn't learn too much even though it's really just all information. it pretty much just talked about how McDonalds and other fast food businesses got started and why. mainly i also learned that nobody really liked making the food or anything they just wanted money. also americans are lazy and they like to eat food from their cars and thats why drive ins were so popular. i think it even talked about a drive in church. weird!
My First Interpretation of Lords of Chaos
I find the book so far very appealing it is unique and listening to black metal myself it fills me in and give a background on the history behind a most controversial genre of music. By the end of this book I want to have a better understanding of the music I listen to, because I understand death metal, but I do not fully understand the background of black metal. I enjoy the book so far, more info to come.
Leaving Parents
So, in this book crank that I'm reading it starts talking about a girl named Kristina, whose going to look for her father. It tell you that when she was six years old her parents split up and now she want to go find her real dad. So, I'm sitting here wondering, how do you tell your children that your spliting up. I mean that must not be a very easy thing to tell a kid. Man, also I wouldn't want to be the parent who had to tell them, because you know after that moment your kid would blame you for it. How about for the kids, that must not be an easy thing to go through. I mean my parents have never split up but, I can understand how hard that would be. Well, I haven't gotten that far into my book but, I think it will turn out to be a very good read for me.
Soap Box Virgins
Well today I learned about a soap box durby in Rhode Island. It seemed pretty lame with only one or two boxes actually looking like anything other than four wheels and a frame. I have never actually seen a race but I have been to one of Redbulls Flugtagg specials. That was pretty cool. Watching a bunch of idiots take their flying contraptions and running them off of a pier into the lake. I think that the griffin school could benefit greatly from participating in such events. I also learned today that 1LT Cross has a thing for touching the knees of virgins and wants to tie virgin women down to their beds so that he can stroke their knees. I had never known of a knee fetish until now but I suppose anything is possible.
Flight Check it out
I am reading the book called Flight. I think this will be a great book. This book talks about an Indian boy who travels back and forth through time in a violent search for his true identity. In the book he becomes to so many different characters. It souds pretty hilarious and i believe this book is worth to read.
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June 21, 2010
summer school :D
this is weird i cant decide if i like it. my mom is a bad driver but she blames everyone else because it makes her feel better about herself. thats what i learned this morning. lame!
First Day 21st June 2010
What did I learn today? I learned that summer school started at 10 instead of 10:30. I realised this at 9:50 when my father corrected my ignorance. So I jumped into my mothers car and sped to school. I was only 5 minutes late. What else? I learned today that my house is being repainted including my room. It's because my family is trying to sell the house and Americans don't like colour in the house unless its some form of cream. So my blue room has to go. Along with the green family room. The red dining room. The purple spare bedroom and the yellow play room. If I come to school appearing a bit dazed it's because I have been breathing paint fumes. That's all for today folks.
Hey, look!
I'm making a post while I'm in summer school for summer school.
Something I learned, hmm, my mother drives faster then I thought she could.
It was pretty scary, I think I'll learn how to drive just like her, fast and crazy.
All I need now is a super fast car. :D
June 20, 2010
Hello my dear students of summer school. We have three weeks together that I hope will be both educational and entertaining. Here is YOUR blog that will be an area that you can ask questions, discuss assignments or just tell us what you think of the book you are reading. Enjoy!
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