July 30, 2010

Last Blog...For Real This Time

Turns out, this is my last blog post actually.

Harry had a dream in which Voldemort was torturing Sirius at the Ministry of Magic, and now he wants to go there and save Sirius. Hermione, however, does no think this is a good idea. She thinks that Voldemort is using his connection to Harry's mind and exploiting Harry's hero complex (spoiler: she is right...as usual). Harry will not hear of it, and is trying to find a way to get to London.

Goodbye Jack :( Lol

So, this is my last day here in summer school. It was fun, and lots of good things happened. I have had really good teachers. Everyone is just so nice and friendly. I love it here. I am so excited for school to start back up. I have done better than before. So, thank you! :)
I know this has to deal with my book. Writing and discussing my book. So, here is my last blog about How I Live Now.
So far Daisy and Piper have been walking and walking for days. Looking for signs of life. But all they do find is silence and death. So, it isnt very pleasant for them. But they have made it through out the hard times.
They just found there home, inside is trashed except for the bedrooms. They are staying there for a few days. Just so that they can get back on their feet and start walking again. Which they dread, but they have to do it. Only if they want to find the rest of their family.
That is as far as I have read. It is sooo good. :)

July 28, 2010

Almost Done!

I FINISHED MY PROJECT! YAAYYS! I just need to give my presentation tomorrow and then I will be done! I am quite pleased with it. I had a lot of fun sculpting my last symbol today, and I think it turned out pretty well! Friday is the last day of summer school! This is probably my last blog. Aww. Well, it's been fun! Got to go finish the book!

July 27, 2010


Well, Professor Dumbledore has basically disappeared from the book at this point. He is never actually around and only occasionally mentioned, which makes me wonder...where the hell is he?! Umbridge has all but declared herself queen of Hogwarts and is bullying all of the students and faculty who don't have connections to the Ministry. Someone needs to put her back in line. Someone named Dumbledore.

July 23, 2010

Harry is a Reluctant Teacher

So Hermione wants Harry to teach a whole bunch of people Defense Against the Dark Arts, but he seems slightly less then enthusiastic. I can't say I blame him. Half the school thinks he's cray already, plus he didn't exactly receive formal training in how to do most of the crazy magic he's done, he just kind of did it, so he really doesn't have any idea of how to teach it. I would probably be reluctant too.

So I went to The Cactus last night to see Ray Bonneville and it was kind of amazing. That guy is a jedi. That is the only possible explanation. Well, it's the only realistic explanation. And tonight my band Beat Farm is playing at Jovita's! Yay!

July 22, 2010

Underaged Drinking

So I have recently noticed that Harry Potter and his friends seem to be drinking heavily every time they visit Hogsmeade, and no one cares. At all. In fact, it doesn't seem to be illegal, or even frowned upon. WHAT is up with that? Well, their drink of choice is called butterbeer. I have never actually encountered this drink, so I'm not sure that it's real, and none of the books actually say whether or not it contains alcohol (or whatever substance wizards prefer to intoxicate themselves with), but from what I gather, it appears to contain an equivalent amount of whatever substance to the level of alcohol in beer. While I personally would not want to make it any easier for supernaturally powerful, hormonal teenagers to get drunk and impair whatever judgement they had, the wizarding world seems perfectly okay with it, so I suppose that's that.

July 20, 2010

Deaths :/

In the book, How I Live Now, Daisy has just seen two people shot. She is in shock but also mad. The only reason for Major McEvorr and Joe were shot. Was because Joe was yelling out stupid stuff, which got him shot. Then Major got shot because he was upset. It was such a gresome thing for Dasiy and Pipper to see. That really sucked that they had to see that.
I dont know how I would react in Daisy postion. I think I would freak out, and go insane. I wouldnt be able to handle that sort of thing.

Inspections by Umbridge

Umbridge is now doing "inspections" of the professors at Hogwarts. She is a real butt. She stalks them around and makes passive aggressive comments and facial expressions. So basically she's just even MORE of a jerk than before. The book is kind of slow at this point. The best part of this chapter was that Professor McGonagall was rude right back at Umbridge, which was funny.

July 19, 2010

Dont go crazy :S

In the book I am reading, How I Live Now, a war is going on. With war comes emotions like sadness, worried, afarid or hurt. So, it is kind of hard to keep everything going the way it did at first. It is hard to find things intresting when you are worried, scared or hurt. It is hard to laugh, smile or just be glad that you are still alive. Just because of all the stress that is going on.
Daisy has found a way to keep herself happy, just by imanging Edmond being with her. Pipper has found a way to stay okay and not so frightened anymore. She is also making other people feel a bit better, just because who she is and how she is helping them out.
I believe that you need to be happy even if things are rough. Because you dont want to go insane, just because you are sad. I would like to stay sane... lol.

The Delightful Dolores Umbridge

Well now it turns out that along with all the other horrible things she's done, Umbridge has also written a law that prevents half-breeds from getting good jobs, so now Harry hates her even more, if that's possible. Also, Sirius appeared in the fire. Just his face, but still, it's pretty weird. He and Harry had a conversation, and Sirius wanted to visit Harry in Hogsmeade but Harry said no because it was too risky, and then Sirius got upset and left...

My mom and sister and brother are still in Florida which sucks cause I miss them and my house is all lonely with just me and my dad.