July 7, 2010

do YOU want to marry the meat industry??

today i was on time. i got my hair cut this morning but it looks the same of course, just not quite as messy. it's usually messy. i had almonds for breakfast, and some batman snacks. batman snacks are just gummy things shaped like batman characters. we have them because my nephew really likes batman snacks. he likes batman everything. for his birthday party his mom made batman cupcakes, but, they melted. i didn't know until that day that cupcakes were capable of such a thing as melting. i call my boyfriend cupcake. i've called him cupcake since september, i don't remember how it started, but he likes that nickname, for some odd reason. today in my book i read about e.coli. that sounds icky. sort of like mia's crackerhead, but, you know. i just leaned back too far in my chair and almost had a heart attack. that would suck to crack my skull open on this floor. its not clean. i would get all sorts of funky germs inside my open skull if i cracked it open on THIS floor. i'll wait until i'm at a nice, sterile hospital to crack my skull open i think. oh right, my book. well also i read a sad part about little kids dying from e.coli and other diseases, spread by the meat industry of course. i hate to break it to you, but even if you love meat, or the meat industry, it doesnt love you back. it wants to infect you with diseases and kill you. and feed you fecal matter. (shit) what a lovely spouse the meat industry would make...

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