July 1, 2010

Found more to talk about

So, Even though i finished my lovely book i still found somethings to talk about. Like, ok, how do you say no to the boy or girl you in love with? This is a hard one, even for me to fingure out. When i was going with my ex i found it very hard to say no to anything he wanted me to do. Another question, how do you love someone that hurts you so much? This is another hard one. I've always wondered why some girls say with guy that beat them, or cheat on them, or anything. To me it didn't make any sense. Why stay with a guy who treats you like shit? If he truely loved you he wouldn't hurt you, right? I mean you may love him, but why love a guy who obviously doesn't love you back. I've had so many girl friends that have been dating a guy who treats them like crap. They always say things like, 'he loves me' or 'he didn't mean to' or 'It wasn't his fault'. Well, just a pointer, it is his fault, and if he loved you he wouldn't be hurting you over and over. Oh! here another thing, my mom and me were talking to eachother in the car today. This question popped into my head, Why when a girl is getting kidnapped, and there are people around no one helps? I mean, seriously, In all the movies that I've seen that have kidnapping in it and people are no one helps. It doesn't make sense to me, if I say a girl suddenly get kidnapped and i could help i would totally help. But then my mother told me this story. This guys was beating this girlfriend of is in a parking lot of a bar. So, this young kid are up to help. (nice kid right?) Well, the guy who was beating the girl turned around and shot the guy, yes, right in the face. Maybe thats why people are afraid to help. Well, if I was to scared to run up and save the girl I would at lest get the liecnce plate on the car and stuff and call the cop. What would you do?

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